Thursday, May 20, 2010

5 paragraph... lasttttt one! ever (:

Dear Newspaper students of 2011,
I am sorry to say that your time in journalism will have its ups and downs. That's how it's been for me this year. It really isn't as bad as it may seem at the beginning. Mrs. Melancon is a really awesome teacher, just dont make her made. Here are some tips to help you on your journey.

1. Yes you'll have lots of blogs.
2. No, she really doesnt check them until the end of the 9 weeks.
3. Never lock her out of the classroom(:
4. Making videos seemed stupid at first, but it was the most fun I had all year!
5. Take lots of time considering what you could do for an "educational' field trip. I know yall can come up with something!
6. Just suggest the most random stuff! For our midterm, we made gingerbread houses.
7. The better you write, the more stories she'll assign you for the paper.
8. When shes asks for 50 newspaper ideas, don't stress. Just write down the first 50 words that come to your head! You can always make and argument about how you could really write a story on it.
9. Ask to play games during share time such as: odd man out, taboo, scattegories, catch phrase, or to even go outside and play red rover! (:
10. Lastly, always submit your stories on time, raise enough money at the beginning of the year, journals are a joke, blah, blah, blah. Just have fun!
(That counts as 2 paragraphs)

As a final farewell, I only hope that ya'll can live up to the legacy of the 2009-2010 newspaper staff. We've had the best newspaper yet. If I had been editor, it wouldnt have been as good. I give the full credit to Nathan and Sarah. They made the paper what it was.
While I thoroughly enjoyed this year in journalism, I can not wait to get out of here. This summer will be tons of fun. It'll be full of new starts. A new home, a new job, and, at the end, a new school. Danielle Mallett, Good luck as editor next year! I Love you! And to my fellow newspaper contributors, it's been real, it's been fun, it's been real fun!


1. How to Approach a Girl & Get Her Phone Number
"Forget about using a pickup line. Never walk up and say something corny such as, "You must be tired because you have been running through my head all day." Girls usually hate that and they've heard them all anyway. Approaching like that will get you rejected almost all of the time."
haha so not true (:

2.How to Date a Male Cop
Find a place to meet police officers. Obey the law. Be accepting of odd and inconvenient schedules. Date cops in your neighborhood police district. If you want to make the most of his limited time while dating a police officer, try to date men who are stationed within your neighborhood, city, or town. Take interest in his work. Try not to worry about him too much.

3.How to throw a highlighter party
This is weird. Well make sure everyone brings their own highlighters. You can use blacklights and neon decorations to create a cool look. I personally would never have one. But it's kind of a cool idea

4.How to Tie a Bull Rope on a Bull
You have to do this very carefully. Make sure he is secured into the chute and then stand over him and pass the looped end of your rope down along his shoulders. Have someone help you and pull the rope from the other side with a rope hook. Make a knot and you're good to go.

5.How to Eat Pies Bigger Than a Person's Head
Ignore the old adage to "never eat anything bigger than your head." See it as a challenge.Stretch your stomach by drinking large quantities of water. Start a few days before you plan to eat a pie bigger than your head and complete this training regimen daily before the event.Wear loose-fitting pants with an adjustable or elastic waist.Start eating the pie on an empty stomach. Right after Thanksgiving dinner is not an appropriate time to try to eat such a big pie.

6.How to Plan a Cheap Date for two
Find out what she likes! Boys, you don't have to have money to take a girl out on a date. For instance, take her fishing or on a picnic. Make dinner with her. Take her to the first place yall met. It's not that hard.

7.How Do You Beat the Rubik's Cube?
I would tell you how but the directions were so confusing i still dont even know. You have to make a cross and all this then do the corners. idkkk Just take a couple years of your life trying to solve it. Maybe one day your get it!

8.How to Shave Your Chest
Well its best to start off with clippers. But only if you're a really hairy guy... Then after that its easy to keep it smooth with a smile razor in your shower. But be aware that youll have to shave often to maintain this look.

9.How to Be Honest About Your Criminal History
Well you should really already know what you've been accused of. But often these records could prohibit you from acquiring a job. You may need to contact your attorney to help rid yourself of certain charges. But overall, just obey the law. For real it's a lot easier.

10.How to Choose a Pet Name for Your Boyfriend
Decide what fits him best! Depending on their name you may be able to come up with special nickname related to that. Also, see how he acts. Based on his characteristics you make be able to use certain ones, like sweetheart or honey bunny. But make sure he likes it too!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Dear Darling, You are the apple of my eye. (: You are so cute, and I love how creative you are! I kind of wish i could pull off your hair, but i know that only you can so i wont even try. You're absolutely hilarious with the ideas and comments you make! I'll miss you so much whenever you graduate!

Tinka Winka, Even though you are suppose to be graduating with us, I guess I'll let it slide. All those days we spent together with you driving me to school are full of memories! Like the time that cop pulled us over. haha! Well I can't believe you're already graduating! Only one more Stuckey left! I Love you dearly! (:

Oh Nathan, you are such a gentleman. You are a ladies man too! I can't wait to see you when you are all grown up and have a girl of your own though! You're such a sweetheart. And the day that I grow old and cant take care of myself, I am going to request to live in your nursing home. (:

Chase I remember the good ole days back at Victory. I always thought you were just so cute, and the only way i knew how to tell you apart was your birthmark! Really though, I won't be able to forget this class because of you! You and Nathan always made my day whenever I came in here. Ha Chase Bethany and Journalism class just wont be the same without you!

GIRL!!! I can't believe this year is almost over.. All those annoying days of cheer practice and putting up with ridiculous jokes from caleb in Math class ;) I wont ever forget any of it! Remember our beach trip! AHH MEMORIES! But honestly I've always looked up to you and I love you so much! I cant live without you in my life! (:

Bria! We never really got to know each other that well. I'm pretty sure that everytime you said something to me though it was either hilarious or reallly wise! You are so gorgeous. I dont think I've ever met someone so humble either. By the way girl you're boyfriend is a cutie! I'm so glad that i've gotten to know you better this year!

Chelsey! So we have had our good and bad times, but I'm so glad we are good now! You are so beautiful, and I love your big brown eyes. The one thing I will always remember about you, is at prom when yall came to sit with us! I cant tell you how much that meant to me! I'm so glad we've gotten closer and I hope that you have a great time in college girl!

Monday, April 26, 2010

My year in Journalism

I can't believe this year is almost over! It's funny how things have changed so much since the beginning of the year! We have done so much in this class too! We've pretty much done it all, from making gingerbread cookies to eating at california pizza kitchen! Let's recall some of these memories!
My favorite memories are from the beginning of the year when we made our impromptu videos! They were so great! Like- A- Box still makes me laugh just thinking about it! How about when we used to play one man out and we broke several chairs! We even made gingerbread houses! Now that's pretty "legit".
How about the not so great memories... Can someone say BLOGS?? Well, at the beginning of the year they were pretty cool because it was better than regular school work. But then they piled up.. and it got to be way too much Mrs. Melancon! My 50 newspaper ideas every week, turned into the first 50 random words that popped into my head!
Well all of the fun and pain was well worth it as we near the end of the year. This year we have managed to accomplish a pretty awesome paper. Whether people like it and read it or not, we've all worked hard on it! And Mrs. Melancon, I think I've learned more in this class than I have in any of my other classes! It's definitely my favorite! Love you! (:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

the icelandic valocano

The Icelandic volcano crisis has wreaked havoc on passengers and airports across Europe, and it may drive a few European airlines into bankruptcy. But analysts expect the crisis to cause far less economic damage to carriers in the United States.
The International Air Transport Association said Wednesday that the ash crisis has led to the cancellation of 100,000 flights and cost the world's airlines an estimated $1.7 billion. The group said airlines lost $400 million per day between Saturday and Monday, the period when air traffic disruptions were greatest.
The crisis could, however, delay the modest recovery that airline officials had hoped for this year. Global airlines are expected to lose $2.8 billion in 2010, compared with $9.4 billion lost last year. European carriers were expected to lose $2.2 billion, the worst result of any region, according to an IATA projection from March.
In the current crisis, both U.S. and European airlines will lose money because they depend heavily on flying between the United States and Europe for revenue and profits. Transatlantic routes are among the industry's most lucrative because of the high number of first-class and business-class customers.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy News

Astronauts Play April Fools Trick in Orbit
What: Sent a fake photo of them flying outside of the station without suits on
Where: International Space Station
When: April 1
Why: to be funny
How: photoshop

8 Year old boys Save Drowning at the Beach
Who: two 8 year old boys
What: they saved a drowning man by helping him onto their board
Where: australia in the ocean
When: January
Why: because he needed help
How: pulled him onto their boards

After Near Death Experience, Child is honored as Hero
Who: Miranda age 6
What: survived falling into a frozen lake
When:April 19
Why: she was skating on the lake
How: the ice broke

National Geographics

National Geographics

Lyrid Meteor Shower to Peak on Earth Day
WHAT: meteor shower
WHERE: bamff national park in canada
WHEN: aprill 22
WHY: cause its nature!
HOW: its on its own... idk

Wolves vs. Bison
WHERE: Yellow stone National Park.
WHEN: overtime
HOW: they are reproducing
WHAT: they are growing in size and their feud is growing

Prehistoric Mummies Poisoned
WHO: OLDDD people
WHAT: they were found dead from poisoned laced drinking water
WHERE: Chile
WHEN: 7,000 years ago
WHY:they were exposed to high arsenic levels in the water
HOW: ^

rural life museum

The LSU Rural Life Museum is a museun of Louisiana history. It is located on the Burden Plantation, a 40-acre agricultural research experiment station. The state has many diverse ancestries. The descendants came French, Spanish, Native Americans, Germans, Africans, Acadians, And Anglo Americans.

The museum shows the life of people back from the past. It demonstrates their way of life. They have different shows and presentations of how they lived their everyday lives. You are able to eat some of the food. You can even participate in helping the workers utilize the old machines.

The museum is essentially a collection of seven buildings that illustrates the various cultural influences of Louisiana's settlers. The Barn holds many items from prehistoric times to the 20th century. All of the buildings have something interesting to go see and are all functioning. The workers dress in old-timey clothes as well to give you a real sense of how life back then was.

The rural life museum is pretty cool. Well it was when I was ten. I remember eating corn and really good gumbo from there. I'm glad i didn't live back then. I really wouldnt want to work there either.. I'd get so bored.

Anyway I'm really excited about going tomorrow. Not for the purpose of seeing the museum. But I get to get out of school. And then we get to go eat at california pizza kitchen and i love that place. Thanks Mrs. Melancon! I love you lots.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Iron Man 2


Robin Hood

Just Wright

Shrek Forever After

John Rabe

The Karate Kid


The A-Team

Toy Story 3

Knight and Day

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

The Last Airbender

Despicable Me

And that's just a few of them!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

summer quotes

A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken. ~James Dent

Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability. ~Sam Keen

Life without love is like a year without summer. ~Swedish Proverb

Summer afternoon - Summer afternoon...the two most beautiful words in the English language. ~Henry James

"Summer is the season when a man thinks he can cook better on an outdoor grill than his wife can on an indoor stove." ~Anonymous

What a beautiful, sunny morning. It makes you happy to be alive, doesn't it? We can't let the sun outshine us! We have to beam, too!
Takayuki Ikkaku

Monday, March 22, 2010

news news news blogggging

Al Jazeera

What: a severe tropical storm
Where: Australia
When: March 21, 2010
Why: cause it could
How: Ului hit Australia with winds of 200 kilometers per hour

Dozens hurt in Egyptian clashes
Who:Muslims and coptic Christian
What: 31 people were injured
Where: lighting of fires in the Mersa Matrouh province.
When: March 13, 2010
Why: Muslim residents threw stones at Christian construction workers
How: they believed that the christians were building a church

Iceland Volcano prompts evacuations
Who: hundreds of people
What: a volcano erupted
Where: Iceland
When: the early hours of Sunday
Why: idk
How: it just did.. the earth is evolving

Abc News

How Young is Too Young to Face Life in Prison
Who: 12 year old boy, Jordan brown
What: murders his dads fiancee
Where: their home in Western Pennsylvania
When: Feb. 20, 2009
Why: it was unintentional
How: he was playing with his new gun that his dad had given him

Girl, 4, fatally shot during attempted carjacking
Who: a four year old girl and her family
What: a carjacker killed the little girl after attempting to hijack a familys car
When: one sunday afternoon
Why: his own reasons
How: the family went outside to leave for the afternoon and he came up with a semiautomatic shotgun

Church welcomes members in the nude
Who: nudist colony
What: accept people to be nude in church
Where: virginia
When: all the time
Why: they believe in just accepting the way God made you
How: not wearing clothes!

Ice News

Swedish Football club bans foreign languages
Who: Swedish football players
What: there is a ban being put on the team and they are not allowed to converse in any other language other than swedish
Where: sweden
When: idkk
Why: most of the team is swedish so it is only a formality
How: the school board voted to implement this

Icelandic farmers upbeat despite threats
Who: farmers
What: they are upbeat and positive
Where: iceland
When: right about now
Why: their crops are doing good
How: its been a good year for them

Iceland Volcano
Who: volcano called Fimmvorduhuls
What: recent activity was spotted
Where: Iceland
When: March 22, 2010
Why: It has led to a no fly zone in the southern part of Iceland
How: the airports have shut down

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

the cup game

The Cup Game

I'm sure that you have all heard of the cup game. It has a pretty unforgettable beat. So how could you forget once you learn? Well if you have forgotten maybe this will refresh your memory.
"Clap Clap
Tap, Tap, Tap
Clap, Grab, Move
(slight silent pause)
Clap, Grab, Hit, Hit, Switch, Slap, Down!"
Most people think that this "game" just started out with some kids playing around at lunch or dinner. Some people think that it's not a game at all, but it has rules, a process, and even a winner. So therefore, it is classified as a game. But it didn't originally start out as a kids game. It was invented by a man named Rich Mullins. He was a Christian artist who wrote the well known song "Awesome God." He also wrote a song called "Screen Door." He invented what we know as the cup game for the rhythm of the song.
The game is well known in most schools today. Kids of all ages, love to entertain themselves with it. I personally learned while at church with a big group of friends. Even though it may take a while to learn, if you stick to it you'll pick it up in no time. And once you get it down you won't want to quit playing! This game can keep entertained for a long time.
The main object of the game is to keep the continuous rhythm and beat. You flip, tap, and spin the cup on the table in a certain progression. When playing with multiple players, when the beat is over, you continue by passing your cup to the person to your right. Someone else will then pass their cup to you. So the game goes on and on until someone messes up! Then you move them out of the circle and continue until you are down to one person. They are the winner of that game.
You are not limited to only the beat to keep your rhythm for this game. There are several other songs that you can apply and even sing when playing. "This Old Man" is a fun one that many children may enjoy. Also, "Row, row, row your boat" has the same tune. You can even sing the lyrics of "Amazing Grace" along with the tune. Just make sure to have fun with whatever you choose to do!
This game has been played in many schools across America since the song came out. I'm sure than Rich Mullins never expected people to catch onto it. This cup game is a great way to stimulate the brain in children. It can also be used for elderly people as therapeutic activity to keep good nimbleness in their hands and arms. The more you play, the better you get, and eventually you may be able to create your own beat.

Monday, March 15, 2010

BBC and ABC News

BBC News

Deadly avalanche hits Canada snowmobile mountain rally
Who: 200 snowmobilers
What: an avalanche hit during an event
Where: Boulder Mountain near Revelstoke, British Colombia
When: Saturday March 13, 2010
Why: reason is unknown
How: the snowmobilers were covered by the snow

Facebook traps Italian fugitive mafia suspect
Who: Pasquale Manfredi
What: police have used social networking site Facebook to track down and capture one of the country's most-wanted fugitive mafia suspects.
Where: Calabria
When: March 15, 2010
Why: he was associated with murder, drug trafficking, and the mafia
How: he was traced via his network of Facebook contacts

Kidnapped Oldham boy Sahil Saeed found safe in Pakistan
Who: Sahil Saeed
What: five year old boy was kidnapped by armed robbers
Where: his grandmothers house, Jhelum
When: March 3
Why: The raiders were after jewelry and money and asked for a ransom
How: they broke into the house with about 10 other relatives present who were beaten in the ordeal

Mexico's President Calderon seeks US help on drugs war
Who:Mexican President Filipe Calderon, and three people from the US consulate
What: many drug gangs have killed American workers
Where: Cuidad Juarez
When: Saturday
Why: the people were demanding the withdrawal of Mexican troops in the city
How: there were hundreds of demonstrations and protests and a lot of violence

China warns Google to comply with censorship laws
Who: Google
What: google announced that they no longer want to comply with the Chinese censorship laws
Where: China
When: January
Why: They want to preserve their nations interest and the peoples interest
How: They will shut it down


Tiger Woods Returns to Play at Masters
Who: Tiger Woods
What: Will return to the masters golf tournament
Where: Augusta, GA
When: next month
Why: he feels ready to start back after his sex scandal
How: he has undergone about two months of inpatient therapy

The Blueberry Children
Who: young children
What: are being used as labor in blueberry farms
Where: Adkin Blue Ribbon packing company in South Haven, Michigan
When: Oct. 30, 2009
Why: they were used to pick and cultivate the blueberries
How: the owner however was unaware that the children were apart of the work

Thai Protesters Pour Own Blood at Government HQ
how: they poured blood on sidewalk
where: gate of prime minister's office
why: they were seeking a change of government
who: thai protesters
what: Thai protesters seeking a change of government turned to shock tactics Tuesday, pouring gallons of their own blood into a glistening puddle at the gate of the prime minister's office.

Plane Kills Beach Jogger in Emergency Landing
What: a plane killed a jogger when it went to land: A 38-year-old jogger from Georgia is dead after a single-engine plane making an emergency landing hit him as he ran on a South Carolina beach listening to his iPod.
when: recently
where: beach in South Carolina
how: the man was in the way of the plane
why: plane had to make emergency landing
who: jogger man

California earthquake wakes up Los Angelos
What: a earthquake struck California
when: recently
where: Los angeles
how: An earthquake shook southern California early today, causing little damage but worrying residents who fear a massive disaster like those recently seen in Haiti and Chile.
why: just a part of life
who: California people

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were two of the most famous journalists in the 1970's. They were reporters for the Washington Post. Together they uncovered the Watergate scandal which eventually led to Richard M. Nixon's resignation in 1974. The newpapers for a while would not recognize their story as fact, and simply put it to the side. Fortunately they gained enough hard evidence and their story went through.
Bob Woodward had tried to get a job on the Post, but because of a lack of experience in journalism they didn't hire him. He found a job at the Montgomery Sentinel, which was a weekly newspaper in Washington, D.C. From this newspaper he became a more developed writer. In September 1971, Woodward was hired as a Post reporter. He was authored or co-authored 15 non-fiction books in the past 35 years. Eleven of them have been #1 national non-fiction bestsellers.
Carl Bernstein was also a great writer and contributor to the Washington Post. He was the first person to suspect that Nixon played a part in the scandal. After the scandal died down, he quit the Post. It all went downhill for him from there. He was arrested, and he was caught drunk driving. If he had not been apart of the Post in that point of his life, the scandal may have never been uncovered.
Both of these men were incredibly smart and attentive. They realized that in the political system something shady was going on. It turns out that one of the political parties were spying on the other in the Watergate building. This all became known as the Watergate scandal. Our country could have gone in a complete other direction had this not happened.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Stephen Glass

Stephen Glass, he was a very witty journalist. He started out an American journalist for The New Republic. Over a period of three years, 1995-1998, he fabricated quotes, stories, and even events that he wrote in his articles. He fooled thousands of people while he was there. He was fired as soon as his fraud came out in the open though.

He grew up in a Jewish family in Chicago. He attended the University of Pennsylvania, and was on staff for their newspaper there. After graduating college, he was added on the staff at The New Republic. He started off as the editorial assistant. Soon, he advanced to writing feature stories.

He was never satisfied with the content in his stories, and he would try to make them better. In order to do that, he made up many fictional stories, people and events. After all of the chaos he caused had died down, a movie was made about him. Unfortunately he didnt gain any profit from it. Then again, he was the one who committed the crime!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


On January 12, 2010, The country of Haiti was struck by a magnitude 7.0 earthquake. Haiti is a Caribbean country that is a part of the island of Hispaniola. Half of the children there are unvaccinated and just 40% of the population has access to basic health care. The people suffer from many diseases, and they die long hard deaths. By most economic measures, Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas. And many people in the past have been sent to help the people in there and provide homes for the adults and children who have nothing. All of this was before the earthquake hit. Now life in Haiti is devastatingly unbearable.

This earthquake was the most severe one to hit the country in over 200 years. The epicenter for the quake was just near the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince. The city was devastated. All around the country, there is rubble, which is all that is left of most of the homes. People have been left without anywhere to go, and they are forced to live on the streets. The numbers involved with this disaster are unthinkable. There is a population of about 9 million in the country. CNN news states than an estimated number of about 3 million were effected by the quake.

This earthquake caused massive damage to buildings, homes, and people. The news reports have issued facts that more than 150, 000 people have been declared as deceased. Numbers of the deceased are still rising. Therefore the exact number of people that are deceased is still unknown.We have people from the U.S. and other countries trying to save lives there. They are doing all that they can to help. Many places have Haiti funds around the world and the money is being sent to places like the Red Cross that can send aid to the Haitians.

With 13,000 personnel in Haiti and on ships offshore, the US military has overtaken the UN's peacekeeping mission's capacity. Last Friday it obtained broad authority to control air and sea ports and secure roads to support relief efforts.Ministers from 11 countries were due to meet in Montreal to co-ordinate international aid to Haiti.The first high-powered gathering since the earthquake struck would work towards a ''clear, common vision'' of how to rebuild the country, said Canadian Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon. There have been calls for a ''Marshall Plan for Haiti'' from some experts on the region, and warnings that the US alone would have to contribute $US5 billion ($A5.5 billion) over the next few years to stabilise its troubled neighbor.

Ena Zizi was participating in a prayer group at the national cathedral in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, when the structure came down on her.Miraculously, the 70-year-old Zizi survived seven days trapped under the rubble before she was rescued by international search crews this week. A person can, give or take, expect to survive 72 hours trapped without water or food. Zizi managed to hold on for twice as long, something that experts say speaks to the body's resilience in times of danger. It is possible for a healthy person to survive more than 10 days in some cases, experts say."I wasn't surprised. I knew she would live through that. She is a tough woman," Janvier said, recalling when he heard the news, via a CNN tip, that his mother had been found. Earlier, he had used CNN's Web site to enter his mother's name, age and approximate location in hope of someone identifying her.

Many stories such as this one are flooding the news all of the world. People searching for lost family members can search their names on iReport on the CNN website. Miraculously people are still being found alive hidden under buildings and all of the damage down there. Unfortunately, people are also finding others who weren't so lucky. We have the choice to help out the Haitians whether financially or just through prayer, but we all need to help in some way!

Monday, January 25, 2010

feature story about anything!

Raising Cane's

Raising Cane's is a restaurant we all know and love. Maybe it's the sweet tea or the lemonade that people like. People may love the special sauce. I think that the chicken is what really draws people to this restaurants door. Whatever the reason, people still often choose it as their favorite food place.
The fast food restaurant founded by Todd Graves and Craig Silvey in August of 1996. It first started out as a business class project at LSU. Silvey received a "C" on it. By 2006, over 50 locations had been opened mainly in the Louisiana area. But there are now over 80 locations in 13 different states. It was named after Grave's yellow Labrador.
The restaurant offers only fried chicken fingers as its main course. This is what makes it unique compared to other fast food places. It begin with only three combo choices. These were "the plate", "the box" and "the sandwich". Eventually they added more options. "the 3-finger meal", "the caniac", "the kid's meal", and "the tailgate box."
So what makes cane's so great? Yes it only offers chicken. Very good chicken at that. They also have great french fries and coleslaw. But speaking for myself, throughout the year I look forward to summertime because then you can buy their amazing lemonade. Who could forget about their signature sauce too?
Well folks, now you know a little background information on oneof your favorite fast food restaurants. Who knew that it could start out as just a school project. A big thanks goes out out to Mr. Graves and Mr. Silvey. So dont't forget this summer be sure to stop by and get you some yummy chicken fingers along with some amazing lemonade!

20 things i like!


wesley's uteach was pretty cool because i got to throw a javelin. I didn't know that it was so difficult. i thought you could just chunk it wherever you wanted ha. but its not as easy as it looks. I hit my head in the process.. it hurt.

sarahs uteach was the best (: i wish i could make myself have an afro ha. Im pretty sure i have wayy too much hair though. I liked how she used pictures of her and nathan in it. It was greattt.

Lauras uteach was really interesting! I knew that the strip was inside the bills but i had no clue you could pull it out! I think its great that we did something illegal in class! what happens in journalism stays in journalism.

5 Highschool Newspapers

Paly Alto High School
Palo Alto, California
the Paly Voice

Central High School
Springfield, MO
The Central High Times

Antioch Community High School
Chicago, IL
Chicago Tribune,0,1646608.story

Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School
Rockville, MD
Lion's Tale

Thomas Jefferson High School
Dallas, TX
The Reveille

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

1st.2nd3rd and...LAST
2.atrocious apostrophes
3.tell a story with pictures

Well blogging is a pretty okay thing. It has never been my favorite pastime. Out of all of our previous blog assignments we have been given, 3rd place goes to... tell a story with 5 pictures! yay! I decided to go from a disney channel perspective. I chose the scene from lady and the tramp when they were eating spaghetti. How cute is that?!
In second place, was the atrocious apostrophes. We had to find pictures of peoples dumb uses of apostrophes. It is amazing how many times people use them incorrectly! And they use them in public signs for everyone to see. It was pretty funny I must say.
And last but not least, in first place.... *drum roll* was the insanewiches! Who doesn't love a a good sandwich? I know I do. Some eople are just so creative! Like pacman? and rubix cubes?! yum yum. It was entertaining to find these great pictures. It made me want to make them!

My least favorite blog assignment...

My least favorite blog assignment was 50 newspaper ideas! Like we've had that assignment like a million times! Oh my goodness Ms. Melancon... I'm starting to run out of ideas here. I'd just start writing random things down like grass. No one wants to write about grass. That's dumb! But i still love you (: