Wednesday, March 17, 2010

the cup game

The Cup Game

I'm sure that you have all heard of the cup game. It has a pretty unforgettable beat. So how could you forget once you learn? Well if you have forgotten maybe this will refresh your memory.
"Clap Clap
Tap, Tap, Tap
Clap, Grab, Move
(slight silent pause)
Clap, Grab, Hit, Hit, Switch, Slap, Down!"
Most people think that this "game" just started out with some kids playing around at lunch or dinner. Some people think that it's not a game at all, but it has rules, a process, and even a winner. So therefore, it is classified as a game. But it didn't originally start out as a kids game. It was invented by a man named Rich Mullins. He was a Christian artist who wrote the well known song "Awesome God." He also wrote a song called "Screen Door." He invented what we know as the cup game for the rhythm of the song.
The game is well known in most schools today. Kids of all ages, love to entertain themselves with it. I personally learned while at church with a big group of friends. Even though it may take a while to learn, if you stick to it you'll pick it up in no time. And once you get it down you won't want to quit playing! This game can keep entertained for a long time.
The main object of the game is to keep the continuous rhythm and beat. You flip, tap, and spin the cup on the table in a certain progression. When playing with multiple players, when the beat is over, you continue by passing your cup to the person to your right. Someone else will then pass their cup to you. So the game goes on and on until someone messes up! Then you move them out of the circle and continue until you are down to one person. They are the winner of that game.
You are not limited to only the beat to keep your rhythm for this game. There are several other songs that you can apply and even sing when playing. "This Old Man" is a fun one that many children may enjoy. Also, "Row, row, row your boat" has the same tune. You can even sing the lyrics of "Amazing Grace" along with the tune. Just make sure to have fun with whatever you choose to do!
This game has been played in many schools across America since the song came out. I'm sure than Rich Mullins never expected people to catch onto it. This cup game is a great way to stimulate the brain in children. It can also be used for elderly people as therapeutic activity to keep good nimbleness in their hands and arms. The more you play, the better you get, and eventually you may be able to create your own beat.

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