Thursday, May 20, 2010


1. How to Approach a Girl & Get Her Phone Number
"Forget about using a pickup line. Never walk up and say something corny such as, "You must be tired because you have been running through my head all day." Girls usually hate that and they've heard them all anyway. Approaching like that will get you rejected almost all of the time."
haha so not true (:

2.How to Date a Male Cop
Find a place to meet police officers. Obey the law. Be accepting of odd and inconvenient schedules. Date cops in your neighborhood police district. If you want to make the most of his limited time while dating a police officer, try to date men who are stationed within your neighborhood, city, or town. Take interest in his work. Try not to worry about him too much.

3.How to throw a highlighter party
This is weird. Well make sure everyone brings their own highlighters. You can use blacklights and neon decorations to create a cool look. I personally would never have one. But it's kind of a cool idea

4.How to Tie a Bull Rope on a Bull
You have to do this very carefully. Make sure he is secured into the chute and then stand over him and pass the looped end of your rope down along his shoulders. Have someone help you and pull the rope from the other side with a rope hook. Make a knot and you're good to go.

5.How to Eat Pies Bigger Than a Person's Head
Ignore the old adage to "never eat anything bigger than your head." See it as a challenge.Stretch your stomach by drinking large quantities of water. Start a few days before you plan to eat a pie bigger than your head and complete this training regimen daily before the event.Wear loose-fitting pants with an adjustable or elastic waist.Start eating the pie on an empty stomach. Right after Thanksgiving dinner is not an appropriate time to try to eat such a big pie.

6.How to Plan a Cheap Date for two
Find out what she likes! Boys, you don't have to have money to take a girl out on a date. For instance, take her fishing or on a picnic. Make dinner with her. Take her to the first place yall met. It's not that hard.

7.How Do You Beat the Rubik's Cube?
I would tell you how but the directions were so confusing i still dont even know. You have to make a cross and all this then do the corners. idkkk Just take a couple years of your life trying to solve it. Maybe one day your get it!

8.How to Shave Your Chest
Well its best to start off with clippers. But only if you're a really hairy guy... Then after that its easy to keep it smooth with a smile razor in your shower. But be aware that youll have to shave often to maintain this look.

9.How to Be Honest About Your Criminal History
Well you should really already know what you've been accused of. But often these records could prohibit you from acquiring a job. You may need to contact your attorney to help rid yourself of certain charges. But overall, just obey the law. For real it's a lot easier.

10.How to Choose a Pet Name for Your Boyfriend
Decide what fits him best! Depending on their name you may be able to come up with special nickname related to that. Also, see how he acts. Based on his characteristics you make be able to use certain ones, like sweetheart or honey bunny. But make sure he likes it too!

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