Monday, April 26, 2010

My year in Journalism

I can't believe this year is almost over! It's funny how things have changed so much since the beginning of the year! We have done so much in this class too! We've pretty much done it all, from making gingerbread cookies to eating at california pizza kitchen! Let's recall some of these memories!
My favorite memories are from the beginning of the year when we made our impromptu videos! They were so great! Like- A- Box still makes me laugh just thinking about it! How about when we used to play one man out and we broke several chairs! We even made gingerbread houses! Now that's pretty "legit".
How about the not so great memories... Can someone say BLOGS?? Well, at the beginning of the year they were pretty cool because it was better than regular school work. But then they piled up.. and it got to be way too much Mrs. Melancon! My 50 newspaper ideas every week, turned into the first 50 random words that popped into my head!
Well all of the fun and pain was well worth it as we near the end of the year. This year we have managed to accomplish a pretty awesome paper. Whether people like it and read it or not, we've all worked hard on it! And Mrs. Melancon, I think I've learned more in this class than I have in any of my other classes! It's definitely my favorite! Love you! (:

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