Friday, January 29, 2010

Stephen Glass

Stephen Glass, he was a very witty journalist. He started out an American journalist for The New Republic. Over a period of three years, 1995-1998, he fabricated quotes, stories, and even events that he wrote in his articles. He fooled thousands of people while he was there. He was fired as soon as his fraud came out in the open though.

He grew up in a Jewish family in Chicago. He attended the University of Pennsylvania, and was on staff for their newspaper there. After graduating college, he was added on the staff at The New Republic. He started off as the editorial assistant. Soon, he advanced to writing feature stories.

He was never satisfied with the content in his stories, and he would try to make them better. In order to do that, he made up many fictional stories, people and events. After all of the chaos he caused had died down, a movie was made about him. Unfortunately he didnt gain any profit from it. Then again, he was the one who committed the crime!

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