Thursday, May 20, 2010

5 paragraph... lasttttt one! ever (:

Dear Newspaper students of 2011,
I am sorry to say that your time in journalism will have its ups and downs. That's how it's been for me this year. It really isn't as bad as it may seem at the beginning. Mrs. Melancon is a really awesome teacher, just dont make her made. Here are some tips to help you on your journey.

1. Yes you'll have lots of blogs.
2. No, she really doesnt check them until the end of the 9 weeks.
3. Never lock her out of the classroom(:
4. Making videos seemed stupid at first, but it was the most fun I had all year!
5. Take lots of time considering what you could do for an "educational' field trip. I know yall can come up with something!
6. Just suggest the most random stuff! For our midterm, we made gingerbread houses.
7. The better you write, the more stories she'll assign you for the paper.
8. When shes asks for 50 newspaper ideas, don't stress. Just write down the first 50 words that come to your head! You can always make and argument about how you could really write a story on it.
9. Ask to play games during share time such as: odd man out, taboo, scattegories, catch phrase, or to even go outside and play red rover! (:
10. Lastly, always submit your stories on time, raise enough money at the beginning of the year, journals are a joke, blah, blah, blah. Just have fun!
(That counts as 2 paragraphs)

As a final farewell, I only hope that ya'll can live up to the legacy of the 2009-2010 newspaper staff. We've had the best newspaper yet. If I had been editor, it wouldnt have been as good. I give the full credit to Nathan and Sarah. They made the paper what it was.
While I thoroughly enjoyed this year in journalism, I can not wait to get out of here. This summer will be tons of fun. It'll be full of new starts. A new home, a new job, and, at the end, a new school. Danielle Mallett, Good luck as editor next year! I Love you! And to my fellow newspaper contributors, it's been real, it's been fun, it's been real fun!

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