Wednesday, September 2, 2009

my np stories

So you think you can dance?
Okay, so working out isn’t always very fun. It can be hard, boring, and no one really wants to ever take the time out to do it. Even though it may not seem fun, there are plenty of activities you could do to make it fun! Finding a physical activity to stay in shape and stay healthy is very important. But don’t stress over it. One great way to stay in shape is to dance! You’re probably thinking dancing isn’t really my thing. Well certain dances may not be for everyone, there are now so many to choose from. I’m sure you could find one to suite your taste.
Let’s start off with Ballroom dancing. Come on guys, just hear me out. First of all they have plenty of different types of ballroom dancing, including: the mambo, cha- cha, rumba, swing, and the fox trot. These dances were created for many social events, and are based on several different cultures. With these dances, you may feel muscles that you don’t normally use. Ballroom dancing often means moving backwards, especially for girls. This works the back of your thighs unlike many other work outs.
Another type of dance which may be more suitable for you southerners is line dancing, or even square dancing! This may be more of your cup of tea. Line dancing is a great way to get exercise because it is fast paced and it even helps you gain better coordination. It isn’t only used with country though! You can line dance to rock, pop, or even salsa. The constant quick paced movement gets your heart pumping, and works all muscle areas. It especially makes for nice toned legs.
We really can’t forget about hip hop though. There are so many new dances these days, you have to be able to find one that you can do or attempt anyway. Hip hop is just a great way to stay active. Take break dancing for example. It takes a lot of strength in your upper body to hold yourself up. Really any type of hip hop takes a lot of work. Hip hop takes a lot of control and works many muscles you don’t use often.
Okay, so these are a few examples of how you can stay active and work out while still having fun. There are so many different dances that there is one for just about everyone. But you don’t have to stick to just these. You can make up your own dances! And you can dance wherever you want. Don’t be shy, but if you are then feel free to dance in your room.

So you think you can dance?
Okay, so working out isn’t always very fun. It can be hard, boring, and no one really wants to ever take the time out to do it. Even though it may not seem fun, there are plenty of activities you could do to make it fun! Finding a physical activity to stay in shape and stay healthy is very important. But don’t stress over it. One great way to stay in shape is to dance! You’re probably thinking dancing isn’t really my thing. Well certain dances may not be for everyone, there are now so many to choose from. I’m sure you could find one to suite your taste.
Let’s start off with Ballroom dancing. Come on guys, just hear me out. First of all they have plenty of different types of ballroom dancing, including: the mambo, cha- cha, rumba, swing, and the fox trot. These dances were created for many social events, and are based on several different cultures. With these dances, you may feel muscles that you don’t normally use. Ballroom dancing often means moving backwards, especially for girls. This works the back of your thighs unlike many other work outs.
Another type of dance which may be more suitable for you southerners is line dancing, or even square dancing! This may be more of your cup of tea. Line dancing is a great way to get exercise because it is fast paced and it even helps you gain better coordination. It isn’t only used with country though! You can line dance to rock, pop, or even salsa. The constant quick paced movement gets your heart pumping, and works all muscle areas. It especially makes for nice toned legs.
We really can’t forget about hip hop though. There are so many new dances these days, you have to be able to find one that you can do or attempt anyway. Hip hop is just a great way to stay active. Take break dancing for example. It takes a lot of strength in your upper body to hold yourself up. Really any type of hip hop takes a lot of work. Hip hop takes a lot of control and works many muscles you don’t use often.
Okay, so these are a few examples of how you can stay active and work out while still having fun. There are so many different dances that there is one for just about everyone. But you don’t have to stick to just these. You can make up your own dances! And you can dance wherever you want. Don’t be shy, but if you are then feel free to dance in your room.


  1. So you think you can dance? title
    is the attention grabber! it makes
    you become interested.
    its cool!
