Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Design a cellphone:
We had to design a cell phone for someone over 65 years old. I made mine with big buttons, a clear screen and a simple format. One of the old ladies said that she liked it but that it could have been a little smaller. Overall i got good results. It was fun to make too!

Deep Brain Stimulation:
This was really gross. It took you through all of the steps used in this surgery. I even put screws in her head. The surgery was successful though! She no longer has tremors. Being a surgeon isnt easy and I dont think i could ever do it.

Crash Scene:
This was really fun! i felt like a detective. I got to figure out what happened in the accident. You know how when you pass you always wonder, and try to figure it out. Well it was kind of like that but i got to interview people

Virtual Hip Resurfacing:
This was nastyyy. Ms. Melancon, I can't believe you made me do this! This is so gross. Im never becoming a surgeon. I couldn't stomach some of this stuff.

Virtual Hip Replacement:
This one was gross. AGAIN. I don't like doing these cause they make me nauseous. I hated when you had to rotate their leg. I never want to do this again.

The Odd Machine:
This one was my favorite! It was fun figuring out how to make everything connect. I used do these kind of things when i was little. it reminds me of mouse trap!

Virtual Knee Surgery:
Once Again It Was Gross!!! I hated cutting it open. And I bent the leg too much. Eww Gross. It shows all of the blood and and muscles. ha I never want to see the inside of a knee.

This one was actually bearable. I really dont think i would ever want to be a weather reporter. It's so cool how you can predict the weather though! Technology is crazy these days! But overall i liked this one.

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