Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Who: Anyone can use smile box!
What: You can create a picture slide show/ scrapbook using the given formats. They are really cute and creative!
When: Whenever your heart desires.
Why: These picture scrapbooks make great gifts to send to family members and friends.
How: You go to and add your own pictures and even music to the given slide show formats!

a. What are your thoughts about Smilebox?
I think smilebox is great! It's easy to use, and it's lots of fun to make!

b. What other ways can Smilebox be used?
It can be used to make cards and photo albums as well as slide shows and scrapbooks.

c. What does the word "smilebox" make you think of?
When I think of smile box, I think of I think a smiling box.

Danielle Mallett is a beautiful girl! She has a big family, and it's always exciting at the Mallett house. They love to vacation though. She has been to the beach and snowskiing, and they even have a camp where they spend time during the summer. She has lots of friends, but she has two very best friends, who she loves a lot. Her favorite class is still her 6th hour world history class with her very favorite teacher Ms. Melancon!

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! hey! This is matt from 7th hour yearbook!!
    just wanted to let you kow that your blog is S.I.C.K!!!!
    And, PrEtTy colors!!!!!!! :)
