Wednesday, August 26, 2009

News about NEWS

Who: Newscaster Chuck Storm
What: He was reporting a story on a robbery at three thirty in the morning and walked right into a pole
Where: Action 5 news
Why: he just never saw it coming ha
How: just kept on walking

Who: a newscaster on live tv was giving a report on a bird infestation
What: a bird pooped in his mouth
Where: someones backyard
Why: he was in the wrong place under the wrong tree
How: he was standing underneath a bird

Who: newscaster
What: a light from the set falls on her head
Where: on fox live tv
When: while she was reporting something
Why: faulty lighting
How: it fell

Who: news reporter
What: he is rundown by a snowtube
Where: outside in the snow
Why: he was reporting on it
How: he got in the way and

Who: weather reporter
What: he is snowballed by kids
Where: Rhondda Valley
When: during the winter
Why: they thought it'd be fun!
How: they charges him with snowballs on live tv

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