Monday, August 31, 2009

10 crazy cool websites!

who: its for any children
what: its about all disney shows and games old and new
when: you can get on whenever you want!
why: its for entertainment
how: you got to the website!


who: anyone who has a webkinz
what: website to play with your stuffed animals online
when: whenever you want
why: its fun
how: you enter in your code for your stuffed animal


who: for anyone
what: bubblegum games
when: whenever you want
why: because the games are funn
how: you go to the websitee


who: for kids
what: a website all about nickelodeon
when: you can go whenever you want
why: to play the games and keep up with the shows
how: got to the website!


who: for children
what: they have lego games and shapes you can build
when: whenever you want
why: its a ton of fun!
how: you go to the site and click play


who: for young girls!
what: its all about american girl dolls and books
when: whenever you have time
why: to shop for/ visit/ play/ and watch american girls
how: you go to the website!


who: for any children!
what: you can go color pages and play games!
when: whenever your little hearts desire!
why: its fun to get interactive with the different games and such
how: just go check out


who: for and children who love games
what: all different types of games!
when: any time of the day!
why: If you are bored it gives you something to do!
how: visit


who: for children who need help with math
what: lots of fun math problems and games!
when: when you need extra practice for math class
why: itll help kids improve with their homework and testing!
how: visit and choose what game you want!


who: any children!
what: its a fun site for little kids who love shows like Dora the Explorer
when: anytime
why: its fun for all kids
how: just go check out the website

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

ATROCIOUS Apostrophe's(:

Some people just don't(not dont) think. In these pictures people have created signs or t-shirts that use apostrophes incorrectly. They need to head back to Mrs. Diaz's(not Diazs or Diazs') English class.(: Well head on over to to see the group atrocious apostrophes. It'll blow your(not you're) mind.

News about NEWS

Who: Newscaster Chuck Storm
What: He was reporting a story on a robbery at three thirty in the morning and walked right into a pole
Where: Action 5 news
Why: he just never saw it coming ha
How: just kept on walking

Who: a newscaster on live tv was giving a report on a bird infestation
What: a bird pooped in his mouth
Where: someones backyard
Why: he was in the wrong place under the wrong tree
How: he was standing underneath a bird

Who: newscaster
What: a light from the set falls on her head
Where: on fox live tv
When: while she was reporting something
Why: faulty lighting
How: it fell

Who: news reporter
What: he is rundown by a snowtube
Where: outside in the snow
Why: he was reporting on it
How: he got in the way and

Who: weather reporter
What: he is snowballed by kids
Where: Rhondda Valley
When: during the winter
Why: they thought it'd be fun!
How: they charges him with snowballs on live tv

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I recently created a club!
it's way better than williams club!!!
hes just jealous(:
so join!
Ms. Melancon.. that means you!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Weirddd Hotels

What: Weird Hotels
Where: Berlin, the Netherlands, Da Lat, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Vlissingen, the Hague, Cape Town
When: Whenever you want! maybe vacation?
Why: Instead of staying in the usual Best Western you could try out these different hotels
How: Go to the Location

a. Berlin's Propeller Island City Lodge
Each of the 30 rooms is weird in its own way. The artist-owner, Lars Stroschen, has seen to that. One room, the first built, is made to look like a brightly painted medieval town, with an ultra-mini golf course surrounding the castle bed. Another has furniture attached to the ceiling, another has coffins for beds, and still another has lion cages on stilts (the website claims that kids "love to sleep" in them). Then there's the Freedom Room, which resembles a prison, complete with a toilet next to the bed—oh, that German humor!

b. Hotel de Vrouwe in the Netherlands
When they were owned by a Swiss château, the four enormous casks on the grounds of the Hotel De Vrouwe Van Stavoren in the Netherlands held the equivalent of 19,333 bottles of wine. Now, after some creative recycling, it's guests rather than booze that mellow out inside the casks. The richly worn and airtight oak barrels have two narrow beds, with a small sitting area outside. The grounds are quite close to tiny Stavoren's harbor, which was a major port in the Middle Ages.

c. Hang Na Guest House in Vietnam
The daughter of Ho Chi Minh's No. 2 masterminded the Hang Nga Guest House and Art Gallery in Da Lat, Vietnam, a complex that more than earns its local nickname, the Crazy House. The three main buildings are Gaudi-esque concrete treehouse-like growths that appear as if they flowed organically out of the ground. Inside, the walls seem to dissolve into the floor, and right angles are avoided entirely. Each guest room is built around a different animal theme: the Eagle Room has a big-beaked bird standing atop a huge egg, while another has arm-sized ants crawling up the wall. The animal theme continues outside — a large giraffe statue on the property contains a teahouse, and human-size "spider webs" are set up here and there.

d. Hotel Costa Verde in Costa Rica
Near a beach that's within Manuel Antonio National Park in Costa Rica, the Hotel Costa Verde doesn't lack for great sights. But few are as amazing as its own 727 Fuselage Suite, a salvaged 1965 Boeing 727-100 that looks as if it's crashed into the Costa Rican jungle (it's actually mounted atop a 50-foot pillar and reached via a spiral staircase). The jet's interior was once able to hold up to 125 passengers, but there are few reminders left of its days in the service of South African Airways and Colombia's Avianca Airlines. The suite's two bedrooms, dining area, and sitting room are now covered over entirely in teak to match the surroundings. Guests can play "spot the toucan" on the small wood deck that sits on top of the right wing.

e. Capsule Hotel in the Netherlands
Colored bright-orange for easy visibility, the '70s-era escape pods that make up the Capsule Hotel once hung outside oil rigs, ready to be deployed in case of an evacuation. Recycled by self-proclaimed "garbage architect" Denis Oudendijk, the fleet of pods now rotates among different moorings in the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe. At the moment, two are in the western Dutch town of Vlissingen and another is in The Hague. For a kind of James Bond-meets-Barbarella twist, opt to book your pod with a disco ball and all the spy's movies on DVD. It's a super-kitschy nod to a similar pod's appearance in "The Spy Who Loved Me."

f. Grand Daddy in Cape Town
Cape Town's sleek Grand Daddy hotel has a surprise on its roof: a fleet of seven Airstream trailers, six of which were imported from the U.S. The aluminum-clad "rooms," which sleep two people, have been done in playful themes that incorporate icons like "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" (a blonde wig and a bear suit are available for dress-up), and John Lennon and Yoko Ono (the room's white-on-white furnishings include an enormous bed, natch). If you don't want to stray as far from the trailers' original looks, there's the Pleasantville model, an Eisenhower-era fantasia with chintz, harvest-gold curtains, and flower-covered throw pillows.

I would like to stay at the Propeller Island City Lodge in Berlin because all of the rooms have a different crazy theme!
And of course, you could always visit the Berlin Wall!

My NP Assignments

My Newspaper Assignments:
1. Sports Photos- i need to get my camera and get ready to go to some games!
2.Fun Fitness Facts- I need to look up on the internet some good tips to staying healthy
3.Mystery Teacher- help danielle create and form for the teachers and students
4. Weird Jobs in BR- Find out what some cool unique jobs are in Baton Rouge are

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

50 ideas for the newspaper

1. phobias
2. afternoon snacks
3. fun workouts
4. athletic camps
5. photography classes
6. crossword puzzles
7. picture to color
8. sign language
9. feature story on the smurfs
10. hairstyles
11. 10 random facts
12. poems
13. short stories
14. make up tips
15. study tips
16. dreams
17. fashion fads
18. museums
19. senior class
20. interviews with random students
21. baseball
22. how to draw section
23. puppies for sale
24. volleyball
25. church events
26. card games
27. magic tricks
28. books to read
29. top selling books
30. new technology
31. new stores around town
32. scavenger hunts
33. the weather
34. school suggestions
35. new inventions
36. interviews with teachers
37. feature stories on athletes
38. current political ongoings
39. how to change a tire
40. text lingo
41. bible verses
42. birth rates
43. school polls (favorite candy bars)
44. frisbee
45. restaurants
46. lsu football
47. how to sculpt a flower
48. how to make homemade ice cream
49. how to lose weight while having fun
50. feature stories on cool jobs


Who: Anyone can use smile box!
What: You can create a picture slide show/ scrapbook using the given formats. They are really cute and creative!
When: Whenever your heart desires.
Why: These picture scrapbooks make great gifts to send to family members and friends.
How: You go to and add your own pictures and even music to the given slide show formats!

a. What are your thoughts about Smilebox?
I think smilebox is great! It's easy to use, and it's lots of fun to make!

b. What other ways can Smilebox be used?
It can be used to make cards and photo albums as well as slide shows and scrapbooks.

c. What does the word "smilebox" make you think of?
When I think of smile box, I think of I think a smiling box.

Danielle Mallett is a beautiful girl! She has a big family, and it's always exciting at the Mallett house. They love to vacation though. She has been to the beach and snowskiing, and they even have a camp where they spend time during the summer. She has lots of friends, but she has two very best friends, who she loves a lot. Her favorite class is still her 6th hour world history class with her very favorite teacher Ms. Melancon!

Monday, August 17, 2009


who- anyone
what- people will be able to transmit messages to Gliese 581d, which is the nearest planet, outside of the solar system that is likely to support life
where- messages will be sent from the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex
when- august 12th-24th
why- people are hoping to find life on other planets and this may be a way to do that
how- through the australian website

I think that this is an awesome idea! Just that science these days is even able to do that, is incredible. Just imagine if we actually contacted life on another planet. People would definitely freak out.

My message:
Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth."
He created me and you too! My name is Brooke. What's your name??

What is Gliese 581d??
It is like a super earth. It's about 8 times the size of our earth. Researchers believe that the atmosphere conditions provide for temperatures in which liquid water may exsist, and possibly other life forms.


(:Go here to view my Kerpoof movie:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Lady and The Tramp


25 People You Should Follow On Twitter

1. Stephen Fry- he's a comedian and actor and witty
2. Lance Armstrong- he's an inspiration
3. Britney Spears- she's toxic
4. Rick Sanchez- he's an American TV news anchor
5. Shaquille Oneil- he's a successful basketball player
6. John Cleese- he's a funny guy
7. Johnathan Ross- he said "You can lead a celeb to twitter but you can't always make the tweet"
8. Al Gore- former US Vice President
9. Michael Phelps- he's won eight gold medals in the olympics!
10. Dave Matthews- musician
11. Neil Gaiman- author who said
“Clues you're twittering too much : during an interesting dream, you think "I must twitter this", and start looking in dream for your phone.”
12. Miley Cyrus- she's the best of both worlds
13. Demi Moore- she's married to Ashton Kutcher and my middle name is Ashton :)
14. Sara Bareilles- she's not gonna write you a love song
15. P. Diddy- he's the puff daddy yo.
16. Snoop Dog- he's the shizzle
17. MC Hammer- he's old school ha
18. John Mayer- he's one of my favorites. banana pancakes:)
19. Barack Obama- he's the leader of our country. why not follow him on twitter
20. Tyler Perry- who would be better to play Madea? no one that's who.
21. Arnold Shwarzenegger- Governor of Cali. and a intimidating actor
22. Ryan Seacrest- he's the cute host for American idol
23. Soulja Boy- he'll hop out of the bed and turn his swag on
24. Pete Wentz- he's the lead singer for fall out boy. he's not my favorite.
25. Sarah Palin- ran for VP and she's one awesome woman

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Assignment for Wednesday, 8/12/09:

Answer the following questions:

1. What is TWITTER?
Twitter is a website that people use to let people know what they are up to throughout the day. They post statuses which are composed if their thoughts or just what they are doing.

2. Who uses it?
Everyone who wants to uses twitter!

3. Why do you think they use it?
They use it as a way to keep in touch with people or just for fun.

4. Why is it important? (or do you even think it's important)
It's not really important to me, but maybe some people use it as a way to keep in touch.

5. Who are some interesting people that use twitter?
Michael Phelphs does! I had a twitter once and i followed him.

6. What is your take on the whole "twitter" phenomenon sweeping across the nation?
I really don't think that it's all that it's cracked up to be.
