Tuesday, December 15, 2009

not true. (:

My name is Evon. It's pretty French. I was born in Jamaraque, Bazil, but i currently reside in the flattest part of the U.S. I was born on September 23, 2087. I learned a very rapid pace and my first word was supercalifragalisticexpialidotious. I was running before I was walking. I was walking before I was crawling. I learned how to spell backwards before I learned how to spell forwards. I used to call chocolate milk "caca mil", and i called peppermints "mittens". I was the spelling bee champ in 2045.
I have 378 siblings. I am half-black and a quarter arab. My middle name is Gibouti-ich. I have had over 300 animals in my lifetime. That includes camealions(sorry, but that's the only word in my dictionary that i dont know how to spell). I have extra ligaments. My arms reach the ground. And i have to crawl on my knees to get through doors.
I plan on living on the very very very desolate island of ohmygoshhowdidigetstuckhere. I dotn want to be married. In fact, i don't want to talk to people at all. I will survive on mangos and fish out of the dirtywordy river. With all of my knowledge, i plan on building my own rocket ship and flying to the moon in a few years.
So even though i was born years from know, i have come back to 2009 so that i can share my knowledge with people. In my time, I am married with 12029384 kids and they are all a different shade on the colors in the rainbow. I love love love skittles! They are my favorite. I make my kids eat them everyday.

Monday, December 7, 2009

fun christmas ornaments

  1. Step 1

    Mix the dough
    In a large mixing bowl, add 1/2 cup salt with 1 cup of flour. Stir with a wire whisk or fork until well blended. Measure out 1/2 cup of water, but pour only about half of that (1/4 cup or so) into the salt-four mixture. Stir until the dough is uniform in consistency, gradually adding more of the water as needed. Remove the dough from the bowl and place onto a floured board or counter. Gently knead the dough with the base of your palms, turning it as you go. If the dough is too sticky, add more flour, a teaspoon at a time.

  2. Step 2

    Cut out ornament shapes
    Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough to about 1/4 inch on the floured board. Try to roll it out as uniformly as possible, and make sure there are no trapped air bubbles. For an easy way to cut out the ornaments, use Christmas-themed cookie cutters. Flour the cookie cutter and then press it into the dough. When you reach the rolling board, wiggle the cookie cutter gently from side to side (while still pressing down) to make sure that the dough is completely cut. Continue to cut out ornaments until all of the dough has been used and then create holes for an ornament hangers or ribbons using the drinking straw. Carefully peel away the remaining dough and set aside.

  3. Step 3

    Bake and cool the ornaments
    Gently slide a thin metal spatula under the ornaments to lift them from the rolling board. If the ornaments are stuck to the board, flour the spatula first, and then slide under the ornaments using a wiggling motion. Place the ornaments onto an ungreased cookie sheet - if you have a silicone baking sheet, place that on top of the cookie sheet before adding the ornaments. Bake them at 250 degrees for about 90 minutes. They should be dry and firm, but not brown. If they are still wet, continue baking, checking for doneness every ten minutes.

  4. Step 4

    Decorate and seal
    After removing the ornaments from the oven, cool them overnight on sheets of wax paper. When you're ready to start decorating, let your imagination for wild! For children, acrylic paints, markers, and glitter glue work well. You can also glue on small decorations, such as beads and buttons. If there are any rough edges, sand them very lightly prior to decorating. Allow the paint and glue to dry thoroughly (at least 2 hours), then seal the surface using an acrylic craft sealer. Allow the sealer to dry per the manufacturer's instructions, then insert a ribbon through the small circular opening and tie.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


1 christmas
2 phones
3 blankets
4 microphones
5 rudolph
6 tires
7 names
8 numbers
9 computers
10 lsu
11 saints
12 parties
13 birthdays
14 necklaces
15 junior rings
16 socks
17 stars
18 the moon
19 the fire department
20 sickness
21 dreams
22 sleep
23 time
24 the world
25 typing
26 coffee
27 contacts vs glasses
28 foreign languages
29 counting
30 iphones
31 snow
32 winter
33 santa
34 gingerbread man
35 nursery rhymes
36 eggs
37 egg nog
38 headaches
39 email
40 myspace
41 facebook
42 skype
43 procrastinating
44 research papers
45 note cards
46 shopping
47 present ideas
48 being almost done with my ideas!
49 cookies!
50 finishing this 6 minutes before it's due!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

America's Future

America's Future:
Who knows where we will be in the future! Maybe we will live in the sky. We could sleep underwater! We all think something different. I hope the world doesnt turn drastically cold or hot though!

America's Present

Barack Obama is our president. There is a new health care bill that is trying to be passed. Many people are in disagreement. People are taking the Bible out of everything. Fashion is very 80's again!
Right now in America there is a lot of sin and worldy things going on. People think it's just okay to steal, cheat, lie and even kill. It's just amazing what you see in the news everyday. Technology is advancing though. We are learning to make better use of the resources we have been given!

Monday, November 30, 2009

America's Past


When our country was first founded, it was based on the Bible. There were a lot of explorers who were searching for new land. Our first president was George Washington. There was a lot of slavery. We had a civil war! The men for white wigs.
There was the Great Depression. How depressinggg. We have learned from many past mistakes. Such as 911, there is more protection on planes. But America has grown a lot since it first started as just the 13 colonies

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Obama Obama Obama

Barack Hussein Obama the 44th and current president of the United States, is the first African American to hold the office, in the history of the United States. He was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. He is a graduate of Colombia University and Harvard law school. He was elected in November of 2008.
Obama's parents met in 1960 in a Russian language class. His father was from Kenya and his mother was

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

side dish recipeee

1/2 pound elbow macaroni
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon powdered mustard
3 cups milk
1/2 cup yellow onion, finely diced
1 bay leaf
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 large egg
12 ounces sharp cheddar, shredded
1 teaspoon kosher salt
Fresh black pepper
3 tablespoons butter
1 cup panko bread crumbs
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In a large pot of boiling, salted water cook the pasta to al dente.

While the pasta is cooking, in a separate pot, melt the butter. Whisk in the flour and mustard and keep it moving for about five minutes. Make sure it's free of lumps. Stir in the milk, onion, bay leaf, and paprika. Simmer for ten minutes and remove the bay leaf.

Temper in the egg. Stir in 3/4 of the cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Fold the macaroni into the mix and pour into a 2-quart casserole dish. Top with remaining cheese.

Melt the butter in a saute pan and toss the bread crumbs to coat. Top the macaroni with the bread crumbs. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and rest for five minutes before serving.

Remember to save leftovers for fried Macaroni and Cheese.

Monday, November 2, 2009

25 MORE journalism topics!

1. Nothing can be worse than. . . .
2. I'll never forget_______.
3. Ten years from today. . . .
4. fears
5. places to buy clothes
6. recipes
7. practical jokes
8. crafts
9. card tricks
10. books to read
11. zombies
12. dreams
13. urban outfitters
14. footloose
15. spirit week
16. video games
17. food
18. grease
19. jem
20. bangles
20. brazil
21. missions trip
22. line dances
23. catch phrases
24. slogans
25. the old is back




Friday, October 30, 2009

How to find the best Muslim Name for your coming baby
How to Make a Difference by Being Counted – 2010 Census
How to Be a Winner and Get Rid of being a Loser
How to Deal With Mormon Missionaries
How to Choose A Watch With A Calendar Function
How to Be A Professional Male Model
How to Hang a Tie in a Tie Hanger
How to Obtain the Bald Look for Men
How to Keep a Toothbrush Clean
How to Shower with a Wash Clothe

...This message will self-destruct.
Inspector Gadget on Inspector Gadget. After Gadget says that, he'll throw the exploding message right on Quimby.

Ain't that a kick in the butt?
Al Calavicci on Quantum Leap.

David on Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Girls just want to have fun!

Smooth move, Ex-lax!

I know you are, but what am I?

Holy guacamole.

It means that something is good.
Example: "That outfit is bombdigity! or "the bomb."

Did I do that?
Steve Urkel on Family Matters. .shtml

Help! I've fallen, and I can't get up!
Little Old Lady on Med-alert Commercials.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Danish Homes and Women in Dubai

Danish homes are futuristic but also a little wacky. Kids' rooms don't have doors! The beds don't look very comfortable. Would you like to take a shower in a bathroom with only a glass door? I wouldn't! There aren't many decorations or unneccesary furnishings. This particular home was very white. It was characterized by the neatness and organization.

The women in Dubai have maids. The homes are big and the layout is very open. This particular woman's mother-in-law sends her 3 meals a day. They have chefs, helpers, and drivers. All the families are very connected and live close. Basically, many people in Dubai live in what we in America would consider mini mansions.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


All of the media on John and Kate plus 8 has been blown wayyyy out of proportion. Sure everyone loves the family and wants to know how they are doing, but it's their own business! Those poor kids are going to have a really hard time when they get older. Media has only made it worse. I think it has torn the family more apart.

And poor Britney Spears! She grew up a good girl and the media has changed her. Sure people mess up, but she doesn't want that all over the news. The media really just needed to leave her alone and let her live her life.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Take out a copy of the Declaration of Independence and review the document for its main ideas. How are the core values of American democracy incorporated into the Declaration?
life, liberty, the pursuit of

happiness,common good, justice,
equality, diversity, truth,
popular sovereignity, and
Throughout these core values, the relationship between citizen and government is described. What responsibilities does the government have to honoring these core values? What responsibilities do individual citizens have to preserve these core values?
-life: right to life
-liberty:free to act, think, and believe.
-pursuit of happiness:the right of citizens
to pursue happiness in their own way.
-common good:work together.
-justice: people should be treated fairly.
-equality:political-right to vote. social-no social
-diversity:variety in culture, background, race, lifestyle
and beliefs.
-truth:refraining from lying.
-popular sovereignity:hold authority over public officials
and their policies.
-patriotism:citizens display devotion toward their country and
fundamental values.
How might some or all of these core values be important to the preservation of a free and independent press?
These would be important to the free and independent press because diversity
would enable them to have a variety in their beliefs.
Identify the core values of American constitutional democracy that allow private citizens to collect, edit and further distribute information to others and how the values help drive these actions.
Liberty and Diversity. Liberty-freedom of speech. Diversity-promotes variety
What responsibilities do producers of information have to these core values and their fellow citizens when distributing information?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

B&N project

Barnes and Nobles Project

So what is Barnes and Nobles? I'm glad you asked! It's a bookstore. They dont just have books though. They sell music, magazines, and even games. The store is divided first into those four categories, and then they are sectioned off by genres. Barnes and Nobles has just about something for everyone!
The place is full of books! The range from romance, to mystery, to self help. The music section is great also. There are headsets so you can try out different music, and see if you like it. There is also a huge variety! Along with books and music, Barnes and Nobles also has a great selection of games. Most of them are board games and card games though.
Many people go to Barnes and Nobles to buy books, music, games, and magazines, but they even have a cafe area. People can pick up a good book, grab some coffee, then sit in the cozy reading area. The kids book section is fun and inviting too. It's very colorful and has nice artwork on the walls.
Many diffeent types of people go to Barnes and Nobles. The most common type are nerdy and artsy people. They are just weird. I like to go every now and then, because i really like to read. Im sure that if there was one closer, I would go more often!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

top five np ideasss

forgein languages
the Apple crave
Polly Pockets
bethany sports
job ideas

polly pokets:
Po-la-la-la-polly! Well, I'm sure almost everyone has heard of polly pockets before! If not, you're really missing out. As a little girl, I wasn't really into Barbies, babydolls, or even my little pony. I was a polly pocket girl! But really, where did the idea for these toys come from? And if you've heard of them before, I'm sure you're wondering who Polly is and what these toys look like.
Chris Wiggs first created Polly Pockets in 1983. The original design was something he had made for his daughter. He used a powder compact to make a small house for a tiny doll. Polly Pockets evolved from this man's simple idea into what you see today. They were tiny figurines that came in small compact compartments that opened up to reveal a miniature playset. They arrived in stores in 1989 when Bluebird Toys licensed the product. They ranged in price from $15- $200. In the early 1900's they were manufactured by Mattel, but they are no longer on the market today. You can find them in stores online.
Polly was a made up character but she wasn't lonely. In fact, she has a whole list of friends: Midge, Fifi, Lulu, Lila, Lea, Kate, Courtney, Becky, Cindy, Shani, Crissy, Rick, and Drew. Each doll is unique from the others and they all have detailed features. To makes the toy more attractive to children, bright color palettes are used. They also have different themes for each one. For example, I have a swimming pool one, a house, and a wedding chapel. They even have Disney themes for some. My personal favorites are Pocohontas, Cinderella, and Beauty and the Beast. The little dolls were made to fit into tiny holes around the toy, and they each have special levers or fold outs on them to make them more interactive.
Polly Pockets were my favorite toys when i was a little girl. Even though you can only find the original ones in online stores, there is still a version of them sold today. They are much larger and more life-like. There have even been video games of Polly Pocket. I had one for my gameboy when I was younger! While technology is great, I still love to go back and play with my original Polly Pockets, but be careful, because the peices are small and easy to lose. Trust me I've lost plenty!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Global Issuesss

Better World Books:
Better World Books is a [for-profit[ social enterprise that collects used books and sells them online to raise money for literacy initiatives worldwide. They offer great bargains on used books - over 6 million used and new titles. When you buy used books, you save them from landfill and conserve resources.

Lisa Ling and her support on Facebook:
Lisa Ling found support through Facebook. Her sister, Laura Ling, was captured in North Korea with Euna Lee. Many people on Facebook reached out to Lisa and showed her optism through her tough time. Her story was shown on Oprah...of course!

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore:
Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore made a New Year's resolution to get "in front" of one specific cause. This cause is to be abolitionists for 21st century slavery and human trafficking. They will back up Barak Obama towards the same goal. They are doing a great thing and will strive to get rid of sexual exploitation in children.

Toms Shoes:
Toms shoes was founded for one goal: to give children without a pair of shoes. For every pair of shoes purchased, a pair is given to a child in need. Blake Mycoskie founded TOMS shoes in 2006. TOMS has given over 140,000 pairs of shoes.
They plan on giving around 300,000 in 2009 alone. I think TOMs choes is a great organization. I plan on purchasing some one day soon hopefully. The Press link tells of major magazines and press that support or have advertised TOMs shoes.


Po-la-la-la-polly! Well, I'm sure almost everyone has heard of polly pockets before! If not, you're really missing out. As a little girl, I wasn't really into Barbies, babydolls, or even my little pony. I was a polly pocket girl! But really, where did the idea for these toys come from? And if you've heard of them before, I'm sure you're wondering who Polly is and what these toys look like.
Chris Wiggs first created Polly Pockets in 1983. The original design was something he had made for his daughter. He used a powder compact to make a small house for a tiny doll. Polly Pockets evolved from this man's simple idea into what you see today. They were tiny figurines that came in small compact compartments that opened up to reveal a miniature playset. They arrived in stores in 1989 when Bluebird Toys licensed the product. They ranged in price from $15- $200. In the early 1900's they were manufactured by Mattel, but they are no longer on the market today. You can find them in stores online.
Polly was a made up character but she wasn't lonely. In fact, she has a whole list of friends: Midge, Fifi, Lulu, Lila, Lea, Kate, Courtney, Becky, Cindy, Shani, Crissy, Rick, and Drew. Each doll is unique from the others and they all have detailed features. To makes the toy more attractive to children, bright color palettes are used. They also have different themes for each one. For example, I have a swimming pool one, a house, and a wedding chapel. They even have Disney themes for some. My personal favorites are Pocohontas, Cinderella, and Beauty and the Beast. The little dolls were made to fit into tiny holes around the toy, and they each have special levers or fold outs on them to make them more interactive.
Polly Pockets were my favorite toys when i was a little girl. Even though you can only find the original ones in online stores, there is still a version of them sold today. They are much larger and more life-like. There have even been video games of Polly Pocket. I had one for my gameboy when I was younger! While technology is great, I still love to go back and play with my original Polly Pockets, but be careful, because the peices are small and easy to lose. Trust me I've lost plenty!

Monday, September 28, 2009


who: people on twitter!
what: they submit their recipes
where: http://twitter.com/twecipe
when: whenever you want!!
why: because people may want your recipes
how: go to the website and submit your recipes
my thoughts:this is cool because you can share all your recipes with twitter friends!

Copy cat a painters puzzle:
who: whoever wants to play
what: game with stencils and paint!
where: http://www.candystand.com/play/copy-cat-a-painters-puzzle
when: anytime!! its on the internettt
why: it works your brain
how: just go to the website (:
my thoughts: this was hard!

who: for anyone!!
what: a fun puzzle game!
where: http://www.candystand.com/play/nudge
when: everyday
why: its so much fun!
how: go to the website!!
my thoughts: this was my favorite! i played it over and over

who: someone who wants a challenge
what: a fun word puzzle game
where: http://www.bartbonte.com/mustpopwords?3c092008
when: anytime of the day
why: its challenging and makes you think faster
how: go to the website and then make words out of the letters that fall
my thoughts: i love word puzzles so this was fun!

Physics Games:
who: physics nerds
what: where to place bombs to make the building fall flat
where: http://www.physicsgames.net/game/Demolition_City.html
when: whenever you want!
why: it helps with physics a lot!
how: go to the website
my thoughts: this one actually bored me. it wasnt my favorite

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Who: slurpee lovers
What: brainfreezes!
Where: http://slurpee.com/BrainFreezeLaboratory/
When: whenever you feel like
Why: because its funnyyy
How: just go to the website!
My thoughts: I thought this was so funny!

Create Your Own


Who: Everyone who has a twitter!
What: cutest pet battle on twitter
Where: www,twtpets.com
When: all day, everyday!
Why: well, why not??
How: go and choose which picture is cuter!
What's it used for?: just for funn
Who would use this?: twitter people!
Give me some examples from this site and post them to your blog:

This is Indy See pet's score



I can't decide!
This is Hank See pet's score



Who: anyone and everyone!
What: all you need to know about any word in the world
Where: www.wordnik.com
When: whenever you want
Why: to learn about new words
How: go to the website!
How is twitter involved?: search any word and wordnik will pull up all current twitter statuses including that word!

Monday, September 21, 2009

50 moreee newspaper ideas

1. ms. melancon
2. lion
3. favorite sayings
4. christian music
5. art work
6. the beach
7. hotels
8. urban dictionary
9. random
10. greek!
11. bible verses
12. stuffed animals
13. old disney movies
14. olderr movies
15. musicals
16. blogs
17. twitter
18. purses
19. cologne
20. menchies
21. cheesecake
22. fun liscense plates
23. perkins rowe
24. macbooks
25. nursery rhymes
26. waterfalls
27. tim clark
28. obama
29. carmen
30. my puppy
31. my kitty cats
32. sports
33. ships and sails
34. my pawpaw
35. the mall
36. rave
37. sushi
38. love
39. the newspaper
40. amazon.com
41. youtube
42. americas funniest home videos
43. ms. melancons boo
44. jesus
45. i phones
46. teachers
47. embarrassing elementary stories
48. books
49. paris
50. world history!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


WHERE: http://www.insanewiches.com/?paged=2

WHERE: http://www.pocketcalculatorshow.com/boombox/