Tuesday, December 15, 2009

not true. (:

My name is Evon. It's pretty French. I was born in Jamaraque, Bazil, but i currently reside in the flattest part of the U.S. I was born on September 23, 2087. I learned a very rapid pace and my first word was supercalifragalisticexpialidotious. I was running before I was walking. I was walking before I was crawling. I learned how to spell backwards before I learned how to spell forwards. I used to call chocolate milk "caca mil", and i called peppermints "mittens". I was the spelling bee champ in 2045.
I have 378 siblings. I am half-black and a quarter arab. My middle name is Gibouti-ich. I have had over 300 animals in my lifetime. That includes camealions(sorry, but that's the only word in my dictionary that i dont know how to spell). I have extra ligaments. My arms reach the ground. And i have to crawl on my knees to get through doors.
I plan on living on the very very very desolate island of ohmygoshhowdidigetstuckhere. I dotn want to be married. In fact, i don't want to talk to people at all. I will survive on mangos and fish out of the dirtywordy river. With all of my knowledge, i plan on building my own rocket ship and flying to the moon in a few years.
So even though i was born years from know, i have come back to 2009 so that i can share my knowledge with people. In my time, I am married with 12029384 kids and they are all a different shade on the colors in the rainbow. I love love love skittles! They are my favorite. I make my kids eat them everyday.

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