Friday, January 29, 2010

Stephen Glass

Stephen Glass, he was a very witty journalist. He started out an American journalist for The New Republic. Over a period of three years, 1995-1998, he fabricated quotes, stories, and even events that he wrote in his articles. He fooled thousands of people while he was there. He was fired as soon as his fraud came out in the open though.

He grew up in a Jewish family in Chicago. He attended the University of Pennsylvania, and was on staff for their newspaper there. After graduating college, he was added on the staff at The New Republic. He started off as the editorial assistant. Soon, he advanced to writing feature stories.

He was never satisfied with the content in his stories, and he would try to make them better. In order to do that, he made up many fictional stories, people and events. After all of the chaos he caused had died down, a movie was made about him. Unfortunately he didnt gain any profit from it. Then again, he was the one who committed the crime!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


On January 12, 2010, The country of Haiti was struck by a magnitude 7.0 earthquake. Haiti is a Caribbean country that is a part of the island of Hispaniola. Half of the children there are unvaccinated and just 40% of the population has access to basic health care. The people suffer from many diseases, and they die long hard deaths. By most economic measures, Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas. And many people in the past have been sent to help the people in there and provide homes for the adults and children who have nothing. All of this was before the earthquake hit. Now life in Haiti is devastatingly unbearable.

This earthquake was the most severe one to hit the country in over 200 years. The epicenter for the quake was just near the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince. The city was devastated. All around the country, there is rubble, which is all that is left of most of the homes. People have been left without anywhere to go, and they are forced to live on the streets. The numbers involved with this disaster are unthinkable. There is a population of about 9 million in the country. CNN news states than an estimated number of about 3 million were effected by the quake.

This earthquake caused massive damage to buildings, homes, and people. The news reports have issued facts that more than 150, 000 people have been declared as deceased. Numbers of the deceased are still rising. Therefore the exact number of people that are deceased is still unknown.We have people from the U.S. and other countries trying to save lives there. They are doing all that they can to help. Many places have Haiti funds around the world and the money is being sent to places like the Red Cross that can send aid to the Haitians.

With 13,000 personnel in Haiti and on ships offshore, the US military has overtaken the UN's peacekeeping mission's capacity. Last Friday it obtained broad authority to control air and sea ports and secure roads to support relief efforts.Ministers from 11 countries were due to meet in Montreal to co-ordinate international aid to Haiti.The first high-powered gathering since the earthquake struck would work towards a ''clear, common vision'' of how to rebuild the country, said Canadian Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon. There have been calls for a ''Marshall Plan for Haiti'' from some experts on the region, and warnings that the US alone would have to contribute $US5 billion ($A5.5 billion) over the next few years to stabilise its troubled neighbor.

Ena Zizi was participating in a prayer group at the national cathedral in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, when the structure came down on her.Miraculously, the 70-year-old Zizi survived seven days trapped under the rubble before she was rescued by international search crews this week. A person can, give or take, expect to survive 72 hours trapped without water or food. Zizi managed to hold on for twice as long, something that experts say speaks to the body's resilience in times of danger. It is possible for a healthy person to survive more than 10 days in some cases, experts say."I wasn't surprised. I knew she would live through that. She is a tough woman," Janvier said, recalling when he heard the news, via a CNN tip, that his mother had been found. Earlier, he had used CNN's Web site to enter his mother's name, age and approximate location in hope of someone identifying her.

Many stories such as this one are flooding the news all of the world. People searching for lost family members can search their names on iReport on the CNN website. Miraculously people are still being found alive hidden under buildings and all of the damage down there. Unfortunately, people are also finding others who weren't so lucky. We have the choice to help out the Haitians whether financially or just through prayer, but we all need to help in some way!

Monday, January 25, 2010

feature story about anything!

Raising Cane's

Raising Cane's is a restaurant we all know and love. Maybe it's the sweet tea or the lemonade that people like. People may love the special sauce. I think that the chicken is what really draws people to this restaurants door. Whatever the reason, people still often choose it as their favorite food place.
The fast food restaurant founded by Todd Graves and Craig Silvey in August of 1996. It first started out as a business class project at LSU. Silvey received a "C" on it. By 2006, over 50 locations had been opened mainly in the Louisiana area. But there are now over 80 locations in 13 different states. It was named after Grave's yellow Labrador.
The restaurant offers only fried chicken fingers as its main course. This is what makes it unique compared to other fast food places. It begin with only three combo choices. These were "the plate", "the box" and "the sandwich". Eventually they added more options. "the 3-finger meal", "the caniac", "the kid's meal", and "the tailgate box."
So what makes cane's so great? Yes it only offers chicken. Very good chicken at that. They also have great french fries and coleslaw. But speaking for myself, throughout the year I look forward to summertime because then you can buy their amazing lemonade. Who could forget about their signature sauce too?
Well folks, now you know a little background information on oneof your favorite fast food restaurants. Who knew that it could start out as just a school project. A big thanks goes out out to Mr. Graves and Mr. Silvey. So dont't forget this summer be sure to stop by and get you some yummy chicken fingers along with some amazing lemonade!

20 things i like!


wesley's uteach was pretty cool because i got to throw a javelin. I didn't know that it was so difficult. i thought you could just chunk it wherever you wanted ha. but its not as easy as it looks. I hit my head in the process.. it hurt.

sarahs uteach was the best (: i wish i could make myself have an afro ha. Im pretty sure i have wayy too much hair though. I liked how she used pictures of her and nathan in it. It was greattt.

Lauras uteach was really interesting! I knew that the strip was inside the bills but i had no clue you could pull it out! I think its great that we did something illegal in class! what happens in journalism stays in journalism.

5 Highschool Newspapers

Paly Alto High School
Palo Alto, California
the Paly Voice

Central High School
Springfield, MO
The Central High Times

Antioch Community High School
Chicago, IL
Chicago Tribune,0,1646608.story

Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School
Rockville, MD
Lion's Tale

Thomas Jefferson High School
Dallas, TX
The Reveille

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

1st.2nd3rd and...LAST
2.atrocious apostrophes
3.tell a story with pictures

Well blogging is a pretty okay thing. It has never been my favorite pastime. Out of all of our previous blog assignments we have been given, 3rd place goes to... tell a story with 5 pictures! yay! I decided to go from a disney channel perspective. I chose the scene from lady and the tramp when they were eating spaghetti. How cute is that?!
In second place, was the atrocious apostrophes. We had to find pictures of peoples dumb uses of apostrophes. It is amazing how many times people use them incorrectly! And they use them in public signs for everyone to see. It was pretty funny I must say.
And last but not least, in first place.... *drum roll* was the insanewiches! Who doesn't love a a good sandwich? I know I do. Some eople are just so creative! Like pacman? and rubix cubes?! yum yum. It was entertaining to find these great pictures. It made me want to make them!

My least favorite blog assignment...

My least favorite blog assignment was 50 newspaper ideas! Like we've had that assignment like a million times! Oh my goodness Ms. Melancon... I'm starting to run out of ideas here. I'd just start writing random things down like grass. No one wants to write about grass. That's dumb! But i still love you (: