Tuesday, January 5, 2010

1st.2nd3rd and...LAST

2.atrocious apostrophes
3.tell a story with pictures

Well blogging is a pretty okay thing. It has never been my favorite pastime. Out of all of our previous blog assignments we have been given, 3rd place goes to... tell a story with 5 pictures! yay! I decided to go from a disney channel perspective. I chose the scene from lady and the tramp when they were eating spaghetti. How cute is that?!
In second place, was the atrocious apostrophes. We had to find pictures of peoples dumb uses of apostrophes. It is amazing how many times people use them incorrectly! And they use them in public signs for everyone to see. It was pretty funny I must say.
And last but not least, in first place.... *drum roll* was the insanewiches! Who doesn't love a a good sandwich? I know I do. Some eople are just so creative! Like pacman? and rubix cubes?! yum yum. It was entertaining to find these great pictures. It made me want to make them!

My least favorite blog assignment...

My least favorite blog assignment was 50 newspaper ideas! Like we've had that assignment like a million times! Oh my goodness Ms. Melancon... I'm starting to run out of ideas here. I'd just start writing random things down like grass. No one wants to write about grass. That's dumb! But i still love you (:


  1. we had about the same ones. i didnt get a kick out of the apostrophe thing. but oh well. good job
