Thursday, December 3, 2009


1 christmas
2 phones
3 blankets
4 microphones
5 rudolph
6 tires
7 names
8 numbers
9 computers
10 lsu
11 saints
12 parties
13 birthdays
14 necklaces
15 junior rings
16 socks
17 stars
18 the moon
19 the fire department
20 sickness
21 dreams
22 sleep
23 time
24 the world
25 typing
26 coffee
27 contacts vs glasses
28 foreign languages
29 counting
30 iphones
31 snow
32 winter
33 santa
34 gingerbread man
35 nursery rhymes
36 eggs
37 egg nog
38 headaches
39 email
40 myspace
41 facebook
42 skype
43 procrastinating
44 research papers
45 note cards
46 shopping
47 present ideas
48 being almost done with my ideas!
49 cookies!
50 finishing this 6 minutes before it's due!

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