Tuesday, December 15, 2009

not true. (:

My name is Evon. It's pretty French. I was born in Jamaraque, Bazil, but i currently reside in the flattest part of the U.S. I was born on September 23, 2087. I learned a very rapid pace and my first word was supercalifragalisticexpialidotious. I was running before I was walking. I was walking before I was crawling. I learned how to spell backwards before I learned how to spell forwards. I used to call chocolate milk "caca mil", and i called peppermints "mittens". I was the spelling bee champ in 2045.
I have 378 siblings. I am half-black and a quarter arab. My middle name is Gibouti-ich. I have had over 300 animals in my lifetime. That includes camealions(sorry, but that's the only word in my dictionary that i dont know how to spell). I have extra ligaments. My arms reach the ground. And i have to crawl on my knees to get through doors.
I plan on living on the very very very desolate island of ohmygoshhowdidigetstuckhere. I dotn want to be married. In fact, i don't want to talk to people at all. I will survive on mangos and fish out of the dirtywordy river. With all of my knowledge, i plan on building my own rocket ship and flying to the moon in a few years.
So even though i was born years from know, i have come back to 2009 so that i can share my knowledge with people. In my time, I am married with 12029384 kids and they are all a different shade on the colors in the rainbow. I love love love skittles! They are my favorite. I make my kids eat them everyday.

Monday, December 7, 2009

fun christmas ornaments

  1. Step 1

    Mix the dough
    In a large mixing bowl, add 1/2 cup salt with 1 cup of flour. Stir with a wire whisk or fork until well blended. Measure out 1/2 cup of water, but pour only about half of that (1/4 cup or so) into the salt-four mixture. Stir until the dough is uniform in consistency, gradually adding more of the water as needed. Remove the dough from the bowl and place onto a floured board or counter. Gently knead the dough with the base of your palms, turning it as you go. If the dough is too sticky, add more flour, a teaspoon at a time.

  2. Step 2

    Cut out ornament shapes
    Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough to about 1/4 inch on the floured board. Try to roll it out as uniformly as possible, and make sure there are no trapped air bubbles. For an easy way to cut out the ornaments, use Christmas-themed cookie cutters. Flour the cookie cutter and then press it into the dough. When you reach the rolling board, wiggle the cookie cutter gently from side to side (while still pressing down) to make sure that the dough is completely cut. Continue to cut out ornaments until all of the dough has been used and then create holes for an ornament hangers or ribbons using the drinking straw. Carefully peel away the remaining dough and set aside.

  3. Step 3

    Bake and cool the ornaments
    Gently slide a thin metal spatula under the ornaments to lift them from the rolling board. If the ornaments are stuck to the board, flour the spatula first, and then slide under the ornaments using a wiggling motion. Place the ornaments onto an ungreased cookie sheet - if you have a silicone baking sheet, place that on top of the cookie sheet before adding the ornaments. Bake them at 250 degrees for about 90 minutes. They should be dry and firm, but not brown. If they are still wet, continue baking, checking for doneness every ten minutes.

  4. Step 4

    Decorate and seal
    After removing the ornaments from the oven, cool them overnight on sheets of wax paper. When you're ready to start decorating, let your imagination for wild! For children, acrylic paints, markers, and glitter glue work well. You can also glue on small decorations, such as beads and buttons. If there are any rough edges, sand them very lightly prior to decorating. Allow the paint and glue to dry thoroughly (at least 2 hours), then seal the surface using an acrylic craft sealer. Allow the sealer to dry per the manufacturer's instructions, then insert a ribbon through the small circular opening and tie.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


1 christmas
2 phones
3 blankets
4 microphones
5 rudolph
6 tires
7 names
8 numbers
9 computers
10 lsu
11 saints
12 parties
13 birthdays
14 necklaces
15 junior rings
16 socks
17 stars
18 the moon
19 the fire department
20 sickness
21 dreams
22 sleep
23 time
24 the world
25 typing
26 coffee
27 contacts vs glasses
28 foreign languages
29 counting
30 iphones
31 snow
32 winter
33 santa
34 gingerbread man
35 nursery rhymes
36 eggs
37 egg nog
38 headaches
39 email
40 myspace
41 facebook
42 skype
43 procrastinating
44 research papers
45 note cards
46 shopping
47 present ideas
48 being almost done with my ideas!
49 cookies!
50 finishing this 6 minutes before it's due!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

America's Future

America's Future:
Who knows where we will be in the future! Maybe we will live in the sky. We could sleep underwater! We all think something different. I hope the world doesnt turn drastically cold or hot though!

America's Present

Barack Obama is our president. There is a new health care bill that is trying to be passed. Many people are in disagreement. People are taking the Bible out of everything. Fashion is very 80's again!
Right now in America there is a lot of sin and worldy things going on. People think it's just okay to steal, cheat, lie and even kill. It's just amazing what you see in the news everyday. Technology is advancing though. We are learning to make better use of the resources we have been given!