Tuesday, September 15, 2009

newsss reports

The Iraqi "shoe thrower":
who: iraqi journalist
what: he claimed he was tortured by government officials while in jail for throwing a shoe at the president
where: jail
when: he was freed last tuesday
why: he threw a shoe at the president
how: he was finally freed from jail and claimed that he was tortured

Elton John's supposed adoption:
who: Elton John, 14 year old Ukranian baby
what: he wants to adopt him
where: Ukraine
when: during a conference
why: he said the little boy stole his heart
how: he visited an orphanage where the children lost their parents to aids

Somali pirates and Greek ships:
who:somali pirates and greek owned ship
what: the somali pirates was hijacked the greek ship
where: the gulf of aden
when: not sure
why: they wanted to
how: they boarded the ship and hijacked it

Patrick Swayze:
who: Patrick Swayze
what: died
where: his home
when: sometime last week
why: its life we all die someday

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