Monday, August 17, 2009


who- anyone
what- people will be able to transmit messages to Gliese 581d, which is the nearest planet, outside of the solar system that is likely to support life
where- messages will be sent from the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex
when- august 12th-24th
why- people are hoping to find life on other planets and this may be a way to do that
how- through the australian website

I think that this is an awesome idea! Just that science these days is even able to do that, is incredible. Just imagine if we actually contacted life on another planet. People would definitely freak out.

My message:
Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth."
He created me and you too! My name is Brooke. What's your name??

What is Gliese 581d??
It is like a super earth. It's about 8 times the size of our earth. Researchers believe that the atmosphere conditions provide for temperatures in which liquid water may exsist, and possibly other life forms.

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