Thursday, February 25, 2010


Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were two of the most famous journalists in the 1970's. They were reporters for the Washington Post. Together they uncovered the Watergate scandal which eventually led to Richard M. Nixon's resignation in 1974. The newpapers for a while would not recognize their story as fact, and simply put it to the side. Fortunately they gained enough hard evidence and their story went through.
Bob Woodward had tried to get a job on the Post, but because of a lack of experience in journalism they didn't hire him. He found a job at the Montgomery Sentinel, which was a weekly newspaper in Washington, D.C. From this newspaper he became a more developed writer. In September 1971, Woodward was hired as a Post reporter. He was authored or co-authored 15 non-fiction books in the past 35 years. Eleven of them have been #1 national non-fiction bestsellers.
Carl Bernstein was also a great writer and contributor to the Washington Post. He was the first person to suspect that Nixon played a part in the scandal. After the scandal died down, he quit the Post. It all went downhill for him from there. He was arrested, and he was caught drunk driving. If he had not been apart of the Post in that point of his life, the scandal may have never been uncovered.
Both of these men were incredibly smart and attentive. They realized that in the political system something shady was going on. It turns out that one of the political parties were spying on the other in the Watergate building. This all became known as the Watergate scandal. Our country could have gone in a complete other direction had this not happened.